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Tex Commando

I'm not angry, just outspoken

Tag Archives: ADHD

  • hormones
  • long discussions about our feelings
  • the same conversation over and over and over again
  • skid marks
  • hair
  • shower graffiti

I have procrastinated long enough. I must study now.

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Work and school and school and work and kids and school and work and kids and on and on and on and on.

It has been busy around here. Weird.  Being a full-time college student and full-time retail worker with children doesn’t leave a lot of time to blog. Like now, I should be studying for an exam tomorrow. But I am taking a break because I just finished a quiz and got 18/20 on it. Not bad, eh?

Do you mofos know what I’m going to college for? I don’t know if I told you. Maybe I did, but I don’t want to look back at the previous posts so I’ll tell you again. Kinesiology. Don’t know what that is? Perhaps you should look it up.

I am having such a good time doing college. On one hand, I wish I had done this 20 years ago when I was 18. I’m amazed at all there is to do at Maryland. So far, the professors are excellent, the staff are awesome, and I have more support than I know what to do with. It seems almost impossible NOT to do well.

ON THE OTHER HAND, I’m 99.896% positive that I would probably be like the other 96.873% of my classmates and not:

  • show up
  • be on time
  • participate in discussions
  • be on task in class
  • read the required material before class
  • watch required videos
  • do required assignments
  • listen to professor

Instead, I do those things. I’m the nerd in front of class knitting, taking notes, answering questions, and ASKING questions. I’m getting the most out of this whole college thing and it’s fucking exciting!!

I have taken a way longer break than I had planned for. It’s time to get back to studying for my exercise psychology (my favorite class) exam (nerd).

Perhaps when I get another break, I’ll tell you more about what Brandi is up to and how WE are doing.

(Hint: exceptionally well)

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Change sucks.  Even good change.

900 square feet is enough until you add children.

College is hard. I think this is one of the reasons I stopped doing it.

I fucking love science. Who am I?

I have a favorite element – H. Can you guess why? (Brandi, you can’t answer)

It’s a good thing that I have a psychiatrist who thinks Ritalin is a good treatment for my ADHD otherwise I’d never get all this reading done.

A good BLF can make everything better.

People surprise and amaze me every day. That’s usually a good thing.

Thursday night is my new favorite night. I didn’t have one before, so I guess technically, it’s just my favorite night.

I haven’t gotten up from this chair in several hours. I think my ass might be fused to the cushion.

I should probably eat lunch.

Ok. That’s it. I am outta here.

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When your 17 year old realizes that she’s very much like you, and is happy about it.


Despite all the strife of the past month, I can die a happy mom now.

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I just realized that I’m ovulating. OUCH! My left ovary is hurting. Its a weird feeling.

Know what’s also weird? I’m falling apart. Like, I have piles of undone shit all over my room. Other shit needs to get done, but I can’t get it together enough to do ANYTHING.

Why? I was on top of the world in January. I had my shit together in January, and now, I’m all fucked up. It’s actually quite overwhelming. The suck thing is that there are 8 million things to do and I sit here, looking around, trying to figure out which one to do first. But, instead of actually doing something, I pace from pile to pile or task to task accomplishing nothing because all of them are important and I can’t figure out which one to just DO. Then I feel like a loser because- goddamn! Why can’t I just be productive? And THIS is the source of my lack of motivation and blah. So now what?

It’s annoying. And the minutes are ticking by. And in a couple more hours, my kids will be home and then I can forget about everything else because they need food and rides and directions. I’d better go.


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Anne, I’ll make you one and send it- after christmas. Your prayer was the best. I need your address. But don’t rush. I won’t get around to making it until probably January. Brandi, don’t get your panties in a wad. I will make you one too.

How lame. I hardly read blogs anymore let alone update mine. I apologize to my loyal fans (cough, cough) for not keeping up with it. I don’t think I even have the attention span to read more than one or two lines of ANYTHING. That pretty much sucks because I love to read. I was the person who could zip through a book (any book) in two days or less. Now? I have been reading the same book for a month. A month? How is that even possible? And forget about anything even remotely intellectual. I can’t even get through a page.

I have been listening to podcasts out the wazoo. My favorites are: WTF with Marc Maron, Adam Carolla, For Crying Out Loud and Mormon Expression.  Some new ones I am getting into are,  The Good Atheist,  The Mental Illness Happy Hour. I love to listen to people talk. Am I weird? I pop my headphones in (during the day when I’m alone in my quiet house), and do my chores. I plug my iphone into my car and listen to them while I’m driving around in my car. When I need to drown out my children, I pop in my headphones and listen to the best rants EVER by the Aceman.

I can’t read or write while I’m listening in on someone’s conversation. That’s why I haven’t been in the game. I don’t know how long it’ll last.


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Aside from not thinking people want to read what I have to say, there’s another reason I don’t post more. My friends and their wacky conversations on facebook. I get started on a blog post, and inevitably someone starts chatting or commenting on something crazy. Well, OF COURSE I can’t let it go. I have to participate. Then I forget what I was blogging about in the first place, and scrap the half-written paragraph. I guess I could only have one window open at a time. I don’t have to be on facebook while I’m blogging. I could allocate my time between blogging, housework, errands, facebook, work, working out, and all of that crap. But what fun is that?

I sorta like living in chaos. I like bouncing from thing to thing to thing. I like being rushed. I feel like I’m my most creative when there’s a tiny element of chaos involved. I feel like I get nothing done if I have plenty of time on my hands. Take this morning, for example:

I get up early and make my coffee. Then I’m on the computer to finish the blog post I started almost 24 hours earlier. Then I rememer about the pattern I was going to find for my 10 year-old’s friend to knit on her trip to Orlando in a couple of weeks. Then it’s time to go upstairs for the coffee/make breakfast/nag my kids to get ready for school/drink coffee/talk to kids. Then back downstairs to work on the blog post/check facebook/make plans to see friends today/arrange schedule and to-do list/delete old blog post and start this one. Then I go back upstairs to check on the kids/start creating an easy pattern for Mimi’s friend because the others online were too hard/make half of the girls’ lunches. I still haven’t brushed my teeth or gotten dressed. Zoom kids to bus stop. Get back to computer to attempt yet AGAIN to finish blog post. Then decide to go in and talk to husband who is still in bed (don’t hate. he had a rough night’s sleep). Kids are all gone. Why, yes, I will have sex with you, Mr. T. Finally take a shower, but just put on robe/check livingsocial for daily deal/buy deal/check more deals/get in touch with photographer who has another deal on livingsocial/talk to Mr. T/get halfway dressed/kiss Mr. T goodbye. I’m still not all the way dressed. No brush teeth. No dinner started like I need to. Blog post STILL isn’t done. Did I mention I’m supposed to have plans with a friend/make hummus/grilled pizza crust for dinner/train client/take kid to doctor/and leave for the weekend today? It’s 10am.

The crazy thing is that on a day like to day I’ll actually get all of this shit done and more. I’m still  halfway dressed and haven’t brushed my teeth. I make fun of the teenager because she always runs out of the house with no shoes on. She can’t put her shoes on before she leaves the house because she’s the same way.

I like it. I hate it. It’s what makes me who I am. It’s the best part of me and the worst part all tied into one awesome package called Tex.

I’d like to keep patting myself on the back, but I need to get dressed/brush my teeth/make pizza dough/hummus. Oh yeah- and eat breakfast. I haven’t eaten yet. I’m hungry. Maybe I should do that first.

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There’s nothing to be ashamed of.

It’s perfectly fine if you have to take medicine to be able to function the way everybody else does.

You haven’t done anything wrong.

It’s something that has contributed to what makes you the wonderful person you are.

I love you no matter what.

Those are all things I told my soon-to-be 16 year old daughter two years ago when I was trying to get her to see a doctor because I was pretty positive she had ADHD. I meant every single one of those words I told her. I still mean them. For her.

I’m a different story. Let me back up to the day I went to the bookstore with Mr. T to get a book about ADHD. He asked me if I was getting the book for myself. No. I’m getting it for our daughter. Why? Do you think I need it? Sometimes.

I tucked that conversation away to a part of my brain I don’t use very much (the part that is organized), and decided to focus on getting my daughter the help she needed.

Not too long ago, she started taking medication for ADHD. It has come with its fair share of complications, but for the first time EVER she was able to focus in school, complete tasks, and feel smart and successful. She even ended the year on the honor roll. I felt so happy for her. And jealous.

I’m ashamed to admit that I was jealous of my 16 year old daughter. I was jealous because she was succeeding in school, something I very much didn’t do. I was the kid who frustrated every teacher because I didn’t apply myself. If I would only do my homework, I’d get an A in the class. “Yes, Mr. English Teacher, I understand that if I don’t complete that research paper, I’ll fail English and have to take it in summer school.” I did summer school two summers in a row. I was the smartest kid in summer school. I knew I was smart. My friends in chemistry class would laugh at me because I unintentionally MEMORIZED the periodic table. I could pass notes all during math class, and even sometimes snooze in class, then raise my hand and solve the equation that the ‘smart’ kids didn’t know. My only A’s were in JROTC and Spanish. I barely graduated.  No wonder I joined the Army and was a Spanish linguist.

I’m also jealous of my dear husband. Did you know that in less than three months, he will be retired from the Army? Did you know that he has had no less than 6 (probably more) firm job offers? Did you know that he’s known as the guy who gets shit done? He’s the kind of person who makes a list and keeps it and refers to it and keeps referring to it until he has crossed everything off of the list no matter how long it takes. He is a do-er. I love him. I love that about him. I hate that about myself because I’m exactly the opposite.

I get a brilliant idea. I am enthusiastic about it. I share that idea with people. They, too agree that it’s a fantastic idea. I make a plan to accomplish the brilliant idea. I start moving on the idea. I talk about it. I do it. I love doing the idea. Until I don’t. I don’t do the idea anymore. Or I forget about it. Or I realize it was a hard idea that will make me work harder than I had anticipated and I get overwhelmed and don’t know how to continue. This happens all the time. I always get in the way of my brilliant ideas. The jealous of my husband part? I could be successful too. I’m smart enough. It’s not fair that I’m not and he is.

I usually have  no less than 10 things in my head that I need to do. Call this person to set up an appointment for that thing. Fix that broken thing.Eat lunch. Wash the clothes. Cancel that. Start this. And in the middle of all that, there’s my iPhone, laptop, facebook, blogs, books, knitting, kids, husband, pets, TV shows- all requesting my attention.

For the past 13 years, I have been able to use kids as my excuse for not getting much done. You people all have kids. You know how they are. As soon as you sit down to take a shit, someone needs something. The difference is that you still remember to shit after you’ve finished taking care of whatever the kid needed. With all my kids in school I have no more excuses. Time to face the facts.

I secretly went to a psychologist that specializes in adult ADD. It was one of the hardest things ever to make that phone call. When I talked to the doctor, it was the first time I had ever spoken those words out loud. I’m crying right now as I write them. It’s sad and frustrating to think about how different my life could have been if I had been diagnosed and treated when I was a child/teenager/young adult. It’s comforting to know that I have gotten my daughter the help she needs.

Mr. T knows. He reacted the exact way I knew he would. He hugged me, told me he was proud of me for seeking help. I’m not sure how I will deal with this yet. I guess I’ll keep you posted.

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Isn’t it funny that you can tell how a person’s life is going by how often they update their blog? I’m not talking about the professional blogger. I mean, those mofos are PAID to blog everyday. I’m talking about the people like me who have no real incentive to blog other than the satisfaction of blogging. (imagine me making a jerking off motion) (did you LOL?)

Because, when I blog everyday or almost everyday, I have absolutely nothing else to do aside from watching my kid which, let’s admit it right now – I pretty much suck at that.

And apparently, I suck at blogging too, because I haven’t been doing too much of that either.

Here’s what I have been doing:

  • I’ve been getting up at the ass crack of dawn to personally train mofos at my new gym.
  • Driving 68 miles to a hospital in BFE/Amish Country to do unskilled labor cleverly named ‘market resarch’.
  • Hot motherfuckin’ yoga.
  • Spring break. With four kids. Need I say more?
  • Pricing out menus and writing up motherfuckin’ CATERING PROPOSALS!!!!
  • Yes, I said catering!!! Someone actually wants to BUY MY FOOD!!!!!
  • Did you mofos know I can bake?
  • I’m totally off on a tangent.
  • Did you know I’m on my second gigantor glass of wine?
  • ‘Splains a lot, doesn’t it?
  • I see why Bennet does tons of bullet blog posts ‘cuz it’s fun.
  • MMMkay, back to how awesome busy I am.
  • Barely reading blogs.
  • Not commenting on your blogs. I swear, I’m reading you mofos! Who has time to comment?
  • Remember me saying how I have no laptop? Still no laptop. No laptop=not much blogging.
  • In my best Headly voice, “Gotta go to work!”

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She woke up and took her medicine first thing yesterday morning. We decided to work on the dosage over the weekend, so she’d be all set for school on Monday. It was about 10am, and she walked into the kitchen while I was making my coffee. I figured that since I hadn’t heard or seen her all morning, she was just getting up also. Not so.

She had been up since eight. She took two pills when she got up. She got something to eat, got dressed, and then remembered her homework. As she was telling me all this, she got all excited and ran into her room and brought out the folder her therapist suggested she get to keep her homework in. She insisted that I look at it. Inside, there were several papers. On the left side of the folder was a label ‘to do’. It was empty. On the right side was a Latin vocabulary worksheet, U.S. Government fill-in chart, and Chemistry balancing equations packet. That side was labeled ‘done’.

She not only did her homework, but she did all of it. It was neat and thorough. Also, it was all in one place where it wouldn’t get torn, crumpled, or lost. It was easy to find and therefore, easy to turn in. For credit.

On Saturday, she put the dishwasher dishes away. She did it within a reasonable amount of time for someone of her age and ability. It took her less than 5 minutes. AND they were put away correctly. Huge deal. Huge.

She can feel the difference. It’s like she was walking around in a fog for her entire life, and she’s finally emerged from the fog and is able to function the way she’s always wanted to. I’m so proud of her.
